This instrument is the pop/rock piano from EastWest Studio 2. This particular C7 has been used on more Gold and Platinum records than any other piano in existence. It is a great bright piano, but attention was also paid to the soft dynamics, which really separates this effort. The Yamaha patches do not include release trails. The Platinum Edition allows users to purchase a single license for one Piano from the East West QL Pianos.
Key Features:
24-bit Samples
3 positions are included per piano for maximum flexibility
10-18 velocities per note of sustain and sustain with pedal
8-12 velocities per note of repetitions and repetitions with pedal
5-8 velocities of soft pedal and soft pedal with sustain pedal
16 velocity staccato on every piano
Recorded in a proper piano environment with vintage Neumann microphones, Meitner AD converters and a vintage 8078 Neve console